Aesthetician Services

Botox – A Sneaky-Smart Way to Tease ‘Father Time’

When considering injectable options, one of the first that comes to mind is Botox. It’s been around since 1990 and has only grown in popularity. From Real Housewives to neighborhood soccer moms, it’s probably the most acceptable and talked about procedure. In fact, “Botox banter” has become the vernacular in the office break room and is no longer a beauty secret whispered between gal pals.

So, why all the buzz about Botox?

  • Botox is an injection that helps eliminate the appearance of wrinkles by blocking the chemical that triggers muscle responses.
  • It’s a quick procedure that can be done on your lunch hour.
  • It helps smooth or “iron out” the vertical frown lines between eyebrows, the furrows in crow’s feet, and gives you a more youthful appearance.
  • It can help slim the face when injected around the jaw.
  • Botox’s effects last around 3 to 4 months, with easy upkeep based on your personal doctor’s recommendations.

Call us to learn more or schedule a consultation today at 865-218-6210.

(865) 217-0572