
If you struggle with excess breast tissue, you’re not alone. Though it may not always feel like it, it’s a common problem for men of all ages and body types, and can often be easily addressed.

Dr. Lucas?

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Serving Knoxville Since 2002

Craniofacial Fellowship

Customized Care Provider

for a

The enlargement of the male breast is called gynecomastia, and it’s easily treatable.

For many men, the appearance of enlarged or drooping breast tissue can make it difficult to enjoy everyday life. Instead, the chest becomes a source of embarrassment or shame, causing them to miss out on activities like swimming, exercising, or shopping for clothes. We understand the desire for men to enhance this area of the body. More than that, we’re here to help.

Common Causes of Gynecomastia
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes
  • Weight changes
  • Use of certain medications

If you're bothered by excess male breast tissue, treatment depends on how much extra chest skin you have, the quality of the skin, and the position of the nipple-areola complex in relation to the chest fold. In other words, our approach to treating gynecomastia depends on many factors, requiring a personalized consultation with Dr. Lucas to determine the best plan for you.

Schedule a Consultation

(865) 217-0572