Arm Lift

An arm lift, otherwise known as a brachioplasty, is a great restorative option for those interested in slimmer, more defined arms.

Dr. Lucas?

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Serving Knoxville Since 2002

Craniofacial Fellowship

Customized Care Provider

for toned

Whether the loose skin on your arms is a byproduct of aging, weight loss, pregnancy, or genetics, it can be extremely difficult to correct with just dieting or exercising. At The Lucas Center, we want you to know you’re not alone. We know what it’s like to be frustrated with your body, and we know how to help. We’ll work with you on enhancing your arms by scheduling a personalized consultation in which Dr. Lucas will advise you on the best approach to reshaping the arms.

For post-bariatric weight loss patients specifically, excess tissue of the upper arms and excess tissue of the chest wall (above and below the bra roll) may be present, often extending down to just above the hip. Dr. Lucas will work to remove excess fat and skin to eliminate redundant tissue that hangs in the armpits and posterior back as necessary. Afterwards, you can expect to hide your arms less and feel confident in your body more.

Don’t let tank tops and bathing suits bring you down any longer. Your natural, toned arms and newfound confidence await you at The Lucas Center.

Schedule a Consultation

(865) 217-0572