Aesthetician Services

Microneedling vs. Dermabrasion: Choosing the Best Fit for You

If you’re concerned about scarring, blemishes, or other signs of aging on your skin, you may have considered two popular procedures: dermabrasion and microneedling. These non-invasive aesthetic procedures are popular with our clients here at The Lucas Center because they result in visibly smoother, younger-looking facial skin with lower cost and less discomfort than surgical procedures. 

But how do you know which one is best for you? Let’s take a look at what each one can do for you. 

What is Dermabrasion?

Similar to “sanding,” dermabrasion is a form of skin resurfacing in which Dr. Lucas customizes his technique and tools to best fit your face’s needs. With this procedure, Dr. Lucas can gently remove dead or damaged skin, unwanted hair, and minor skin imperfections (such as fine lines and sun damage) on the outermost layer of your face.  

The result: clearer, smoother skin!

Dermabrasion Might be Right for You if:
  • You have minor facial scarring
  • You struggle with minor skin imperfections
  • You’re ready for a fresh start after experiencing minor sun damage or unwanted facial hair
  • You want to achieve a more radiant face affordably and with minimal downtime
Why Not Lasers?

Unfortunately, many plastic surgery centers and med spas offer laser treatments for issues that can be more affordably and more gently addressed with dermabrasion. That’s why at The Lucas Center, we usually recommend dermabrasion for minor issues on the skin’s surface – whereas we typically only recommend laser treatments for more severe acne scarring, for example. 

What is Microneedling?

One of our most popular aesthetic procedures, microneedling uses tiny needles inserted strategically into the skin to stimulate your body’s natural healing response and collagen production. (More on collagen below!) This technique triggers your body’s amazing capacity to heal and support itself, so that you can look and feel more youthful again. 

Dr. Lucas uses the SkinPen® Microneedling System to create exceptional results without the added pain, downtime, or skin removal of laser treatments and chemical peels.

Microneedling Might be Right for You if:
  • You notice your skin tone and texture worsening with age
  • You see minor skin drooping or depressions on your face
  • You have minor scarring, stretch marks, or damage from sun exposure or acne
What is Collagen, Anyway?

Collagen is a natural protein your body makes that gives your skin its structure. Unfortunately, you produce less of it as you age. This means a loss of volume in your face over time, often resulting in more wrinkles, sunken areas, or sagging skin. However, microneedling is a great anti-aging procedure to help you produce more collagen and give your face a fuller, more youthful appearance again! 

Let’s Talk About What’s Best for You

Although they treat different conditions, dermabrasion and microneedling are both effective, popular, and minimally invasive aesthetic procedures that can help you look younger and fresher again. If you’re interested in one of these services, make sure you consult a professional before making any decisions to ensure you receive the results you’re looking for. Don’t “guess” at what will help you achieve your goals. 

When you’re ready, Dr. Lucas and our expert staff here at The Lucas Center would love to talk with you about your needs and goals and help you make the decision that’s best for you! Give us a call today at (865) 218-6210 or schedule your personalized consultation with Dr. Lucas.

(865) 217-0572