Getting a Face Lift? Here’s What to Expect the First Week Afterward
Among all our physical features, it’s usually our faces that we think of as representing us. Yet no face is untouched by time’s effects – so it’s no wonder that face lifts are one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures today. Also known as rhytidectomy, a face lift is a great way to reduce visible signs of aging in the face and neck by tightening sagging skin, smoothing deep folds, and restoring lost facial volume, resulting in a naturally “refreshed” appearance.
As with any major surgery, after a face lift, you will need time to rest and heal before returning to normal activity and fully enjoying your refreshed appearance. Here’s a look at what to expect during the day-by-day recovery in the first week after your procedure.
Days 1-2
Right after surgery, your surgeon and post-op nurse will give specific instructions about rest and recovery and how to take care of the surgical site. Since you’ll be drowsy and must take it easy, make sure you have a trusted person with you to hear these instructions and drive you home.
These first two days will be about managing swelling and bruising and getting plenty of rest and fluids. Immediately after surgery, you will have a bulky headwrap to help control swelling, along with two drains to manage fluid buildup overnight. You’ll return to the office the next day (post-op day 1) to have the headwrap and drains removed.
Additionally, Hemostatic Net sutures — a new technique to control swelling and reduce the risk of hematoma — will be placed in multiple areas of your face, and you’ll receive a chin strap to wear for two weeks, which helps support the healing process. During this time, it’s important to sleep with your head elevated and walk or stay upright during the day to help reduce swelling. We can’t emphasize this enough: rest, rest, rest during this time.
Day 3
By day three, peak swelling typically occurs, and your Hemostatic Net drains will be removed. You’ll likely notice swelling during this period, but it should gradually start to decrease. While you might not experience significant pain, taking anti-inflammatory medication can help manage any discomfort.
Days 4-7
Rest on, friend! During these days, you may start to feel a little better, but it’s essential to continue taking it easy. The chin strap will remain a necessary part of your recovery routine, and although you may feel more mobile, it’s still recommended to avoid any strenuous activity.
The Role of Nutrition
Although you shouldn’t be cooking your own meals quite yet, excellent nutrition, including plenty of water, can help your body heal more completely and more quickly. Dr. Lucas recommends a balanced, nutrition-dense meal plan in the days and weeks following surgery.
2 Weeks (Days 10-14)
At this stage, your sutures will be removed, but you’ll need to continue wearing your chin strap for the full two weeks. By this point, around 80% of your swelling should be resolved, making you feel more comfortable being out in public. Scar massage may also be recommended starting three weeks post-op to aid in your recovery.
6-8 Weeks
Full recovery is typically expected within six to eight weeks. By then, you should be enjoying your refreshed and rejuvenated appearance, with the majority of swelling and bruising resolved.
Full Support from Beginning to End
When you book a face lift or another surgery at The Lucas Center, you get a support team right from your initial consultation with Dr. Lucas on day one. As East Tennessee’s premier plastic surgery practice, we can’t wait to help you achieve your overall health and confidence goals – so let’s get started! You can give us a call at (865) 218-6210 or schedule a consultation to begin your journey with us today.